1、中学生VOA英语阅读之封闭式房屋可降低能源消耗Airtight Houses Lower Energy CostsWe may not be aware of it, but ordinary family homes in the U.S. and, indeed, the rest of the world are not energy-efficient.我们可能还没有意识到,但是美国的普通家庭以及世界其它地区的家庭的确没能够有效利用能源。Most of their energy goes to heating and cooling, and a lot of it is wasted
2、,as warm and cool air escape through fireplace chimneys and thin and poorly fitting windows and doors,and because of inadequate insulation.他们的能源大多应用在了供热制冷上面,大部分都浪费掉了,热气和冷气从壁炉的烟囱、薄窗或有缝儿的窗户和门冒出,由于隔离装置欠缺。A passive house loses almost none.被动式节能屋不会浪费掉任何能源。“Imagine a thermos, you have insulation everywher
3、e, and its basically completely sealed.And so the idea is to build a house not unlike a thermos so,the windows are sealed and triple-glazed, theres insulation completely surrounding the building, we make it as airtight as possible.”“想象一个热水瓶,四处都是隔离的,处于完全密封状态。因此,这个理念就是要建造一个与热水瓶一样的房子,窗户是密封的,并且非常光滑,隔离装置
4、四面围绕着整个建筑,我们要尽可能地将其密封。”This 147-square-meter (1,580-square-foot) passive house, recently presented as a demonstration unitjust outside Washington D.C., was prefabricated and brought to the site in two boxes.近期展现了一个147平方米(1580平方英尺)的被动式节能屋,作为华盛顿外的示范装置,我们预先制造了构件,并用两个箱子将其带到指定地点。“Once its set and put tog
5、ether, it takes roughly three or four weeks to go ahead and finish the areas of drywall that werent done,to put down carpeting if its not in the room, to put in final touches,but honestly if everything is set in place, you could put a house together like this in about three to four months.”“一旦搞定,并装在
6、了一起,我们大约需要花费3到4周的时间来完成干式墙区域的工作,如果不在房间里面,那还需要摆好地毯,并做最后的修整,但老实说,如果一切就绪,房屋会在3-4个月建好。”The total cost of building it was $325,000, or about 17 percent more than constructing an ordinary house.But its estimated utility bill is only around $20 monthly, or ten times less than for an average house of the sam
7、e size.房屋总开销325000美金,或者说是普通房屋造价的1.17倍。然而,据估计,该房屋每月账单大概只需20美元,或者说比同样大小的普通房屋开销少十倍。While passive houses have been around for a long time, the idea never take root in the U.S.然而当被动式房屋已经遍布各地的时候,其理念仍然还没有在美国树立。“There was no driving force to push it, I think climate change is now becoming a larger issue.And
8、 I think building codes are catching on the that.So everything is, people are becoming more conscious of energy.”“这是因为没有驱动力推动它,我认为,当今气候变化是一个很大的问题。我认为房屋建筑规范必须认识到这个问题。因此,人们越来越意识到了能源问题。”Architect David Peabody said the cost of building passive houses could come down.建筑师大卫皮博迪称,建造被动式节能房屋的成本是可以降低的。“What r
9、eally makes sense for truly affordable housing, is to do duplexes and fourplexes.Because then youve got that bigger volume, you got less exterior walls, and those exterior costs come way down.”“经济适用房的真正起作用的是那些占两层楼或四层楼的公寓套房。因为,一旦体积变大,所需建造的外墙就会变少,于是那些外部成本就会下降。”This house will soon be offered to low an
10、d medium-income buyers.被动式节能屋将在不久后服务于那些中低层收入者。单词及例句详解1 aware w意识到的;知道的;觉察到的;例句1.Advertising aims to make peopleawareof a product and favourably inclined towards it.广告的目的是让人认识产品然后产生好感。2.He made believe not to beawareof my presence.他假装不知道我在那里。3.I am quiteawareof that.我完全知道这事。2 ordinary :dinri普通的,平常的,正
11、常的;规定的,照常的,平凡的,拙劣的;平庸的,平淡的;法直辖的;例句1.A poet is one who can convertordinarywords into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.诗人是能够用普通的文字写出寓意深刻、感人至深的作品的人。2.At that time they could not produceordinarygarments, not to speak of high-grade ones.那时他们连普通衣服都不能生产,更不要说高级的了。3.Anordinarysubway train, approac
12、hing the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.平常的地下火车接近车站时,发出的声音可能是最大声的喷射机的两倍。3 indeed indi:d的确,确实,实在;实际上,真正地;真的,真是;甚至;例句1.Are you pleased at our success?Yes,indeed.”“你对我们的成功感到欣慰吗?”“是的,确实感到欣慰。”2.Indeedhe has a solemn face, but he is very humorous at heart.他的确有一副严肃的脸孔,但内心却是很富幽默感。3.I was a
13、nnoyed,indeedfurious, over what happened.出了这件事我很不痛快,实际上是愤怒至极。4 efficient ifint有效率的;(直接)生效的;能干的;(因省钱、省时或省力等而)收效大的;例句1.A quietlyefficientmanservant brought them coffee and brandy.一个不起眼而能干的男仆给他们端来了咖啡和白兰地。5 escape iskeip逃脱;(气体,液体等)漏出;(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱;声音(不自觉地)由发出;例句1.A fox breaks wind in order toescapefr
14、om hunting dogs.狐狸放屁以逃避猎狗。6 fireplace faples壁炉;例句1.But for the fireplace, not anything can tell us the past of this building.除了壁炉(fireplace)之外,没有东西能说明这座大楼过去的样子。2.She was standing too close to thefireplaceand her dress caught fire.她站得离壁炉太近了,衣服烧着了。3.Books and afireplacelent a feeling of warmth to the
15、room.书和房内的火炉给人一种温暖的感觉7 chimneys timniz烟囱( chimney的名词复数 );烟筒;(岩石间可供攀登的)狭孔;狭缝;例句1.I like the general style of the building, but the chimneys are out of proportiontheyre too big.我喜欢这栋房子的总构型,可是烟囱太大,不成比例。8 inadequate ndkwt不充足的;不适当的;不足胜任的;信心不足的;例句1.His boss is telling him that his work is inadequate.他的老板告
16、诉他,他的工作量不够。2.Considering the losses in the disaster area, our support was an utterlyinadequatemeasure.比起灾区的损失,我们的支援不过杯水车薪。3.Inadequatefood can stunt a childs development.食物不足能影响儿童的发育。9 insulation nslen, nsj-隔离,孤立;绝缘;绝缘或隔热的材料;隔声;例句1.Foam rubber provides good insulation.泡沫橡胶隔绝性能良好。10 passive psiv被动的;消
17、极的;不抵抗的;冷漠的;例句1.He has apassivedisposition.他个性消极。2.A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is apassiveentity.一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生; 而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。3.Passivecharacter, attitude, quality, or behavior.消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品
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- 个人手工制作 个人 手工 制作 中学生 VOA 英语 阅读 封闭式 房屋 降低 能源消耗